In a whimsical world inspired by Aesop's tales, a group of classic characters: the Tortoise, Hare, Ant, Grasshopper, Lion, Mouse, Wolf, and a mysterious Boy—find themselves entangled in unexpected adventures centered around friendship. "Fabelous" is a heartwarming reimagining that breathes new life into timeless fables, showcasing the magic of friendship and the power of storytelling.
Auditions for "Fabelous" will be done via online submissions to [email protected]
The Deadline for submissions is May 10, 2024 with potential call backs to follow.
Below you will find our 2-pronged audition format and character breakdowns.
Contact Us if you have any questions.
Auditions for "Fabelous" will be done via online submissions to [email protected]
The Deadline for submissions is May 10, 2024 with potential call backs to follow.
Below you will find our 2-pronged audition format and character breakdowns.
Contact Us if you have any questions.
While we do not require any prior ASL experience, we do as that you prepare a Signed audition piece. Don't worry, we aren't expecting perfection, this is just an opportunity to show your commitment to learning ASL and give the directors a chance to see how your hands move. There are many resources online available to help you learn "You've got a Friend in Me", including the videos below. Feel free to make them your own, ASL is a language of expression!
We also ask that you prepare a second audition piece. This is to show your range, so get creative! Some options include:
Voice Monologue Stunts Lyrical Dance Improv ABC Story ASL Skit Anything else you can think of, we just want to see your talents, personality, and acting skills. If you wish to only be considered as a voice actor, you may submit two contrasting monologues. |
All characters can be played by all ages and genders. Casting is color blind.
ANT: Industrious, organized, and a bit high strung. Somewhat of a doomsday prepper who learns to depend on his friends instead of always going it solo.
GRASSHOPPER: Carefree and playful musician. Always looking for a good time with his friends in the forest.
LION: Regal and powerful. Seeks admiration and respect, but finds friendship with some unexpected characters.
MOUSE: Resourceful and Brave even though he's the smallest in the forest, he knows with the right opportunity he can make a big impact.
TORTOISE: Patient and determined. Hopes to inspire others to stop and smell the roses.
HARE: Boastful and energetic. Pride goes before the fall for this little fur ball.
WOLF: Misunderstood but kind-hearted. The victim of some pretty vicious stereotypes has to prove that friendship means more than anything to him.
BOY: He cried wolf. Desperate to fit in with the other forest characters, he makes some bad choices that backfire.
All characters can be played by all ages and genders. Casting is color blind.
ANT: Industrious, organized, and a bit high strung. Somewhat of a doomsday prepper who learns to depend on his friends instead of always going it solo.
GRASSHOPPER: Carefree and playful musician. Always looking for a good time with his friends in the forest.
LION: Regal and powerful. Seeks admiration and respect, but finds friendship with some unexpected characters.
MOUSE: Resourceful and Brave even though he's the smallest in the forest, he knows with the right opportunity he can make a big impact.
TORTOISE: Patient and determined. Hopes to inspire others to stop and smell the roses.
HARE: Boastful and energetic. Pride goes before the fall for this little fur ball.
WOLF: Misunderstood but kind-hearted. The victim of some pretty vicious stereotypes has to prove that friendship means more than anything to him.
BOY: He cried wolf. Desperate to fit in with the other forest characters, he makes some bad choices that backfire.
The "Fabelous" Rehearsal Schedule will include Saturday and Sunday Mornings May- July.
We will rehearse at Onward Theatre in Atlanta, GA. (711 Catherine St SW Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30310)
Tech Week and Show Dates are July 21-27 and we will perform at Synchronicity Theatre in Atlanta. (1545 Peachtree St NE #102, Atlanta, GA 30309)
Please let us know in your audition if you have conflicts with the rehearsal schedule, tech week, or performance dates. Additionally, p
lease let us know if you require any accommodation to enter buildings that do not have a wheelchair ramp/elevator.
We will rehearse at Onward Theatre in Atlanta, GA. (711 Catherine St SW Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30310)
Tech Week and Show Dates are July 21-27 and we will perform at Synchronicity Theatre in Atlanta. (1545 Peachtree St NE #102, Atlanta, GA 30309)
Please let us know in your audition if you have conflicts with the rehearsal schedule, tech week, or performance dates. Additionally, p
lease let us know if you require any accommodation to enter buildings that do not have a wheelchair ramp/elevator.